Friday, 3 September 2010

Richard and Judy

Wednesday 1st September 2010.2pm-6pm

The previous day there had been lots of activity with new books and a scheme called the "Richard and Judy Book Club".

When i arrived Sandy Gall bags was in her finest bib and tucker but she could never scrub up well.You know how they say that owners start to resemble their dogs,she falls into that category.

Apparently Richard and Judy turned up and had some photos taken in all of the units whilst promoting some new books on a buy 1 get 1 free deal.

They didn't talk to any of the staff or punters and just went upstairs to the champagne bar to quaff finest quality bubbly with some seafood.

The staff were scathing of their arrogance and furthermore they had an entourage of 10 people ranging from make up to PA's.

A consequence of this "media event" was that all the work had been chanelled into the launch and the unit resembled a kids birthday party.

The Algerian had a heavy cold which obviously made his suspect temperament even more suspect.I did my Red Adair impression and within 2 hours we were ahead of the game again.

The Slovak sex bomb has been made night supervisor which could be interesting.These 4 hours shifts fly by but working with rasta boy and the asian DJ is a laugh.

The Asian DJ had a disciplinary this week and the CCTV evidence found in his favour.This now leaves Somalian security facing a misconduct charge due to incorrect procedure when dealing with a suspected shoplifter.Apparently,he accused the DJ of not arresting the suspect even though we are only sales assistants.A plastic policeman then got involved and the whole situation desended into a Whitehall farce in front of the punters.

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