Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Ticking down the time.

Monday and Tuesday 17th/18th January 2011.

The attractive young lass from head office was in today doing the chocolate displays.
She is about 23/24 with a stunning rack and very cute.She asked for my help in getting her 3 empty skips and i held the ladder while i stared at her firm young bottom.

My concentration wavered for a while whilst i tried to continue my drinks replenishment and rasta boy couldn't focus either.
Anyway,back to work.There are new planograms that need to be implemented.New drinks and tobacco lay outs which the rasta boy and myself undertook.

They are expecting 2 visits this week,one from the well fed area manager and one from the bloke who is more senior than him.
I still haven't heard from the Imman regarding my proposed holiday dates and had a look at his pigeon hole and of course my note was still in the same position as i left it.

I was talking to rasta boy about the use of the staff room as a Mosque for prayer and he told me that Somalian security washes his feet in the sink before prayer.I immediately felt resentment towards him and have thought about coming in with tefillin and tallit to really freak them out.

It looks like the end of March is the cut off date for me here.I may need to look after my daughter because our child care funding has been stopped because of the austerity measures.
However,i still reckon the gov't are doing the right thing with these cuts even though its affecting my family directly.

1 comment:

  1. Really excited to see the next blog
    i even signed up to follow
